I am Konstantinos Kyrkos

This is my personal website / blog where you can find more information about my education and my work.

Find Out More About Me

A Quick Introduction

I am a Software and Machine Learning Engineer and I can provide solutions about:

  • Application Development
  • Learning Applications
  • Language Processing
  • Data Analysis
  • More about my Education below!


    Bachelor of Science

    Computer Science at AUEB, 7/10 GPA, 2011-2017

    Master of Science

    Data Science at AUEB, 8.5/10 GPA, 2019-2021


  • OOP: C#, Java
  • Scripting: Python, SQL, R, HTML
  • Frameworks: .Net, Spring, Bootstrap
  • Tensorflow / Keras
  • Sci-Kit Learn / SciPy
  • Nltk / Gensim
  • Pandas
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib / Seaborn
  • SQL
  • Beautifulsoup / Selenium
  • Visual Studio, Jupyter Notebook, Studio Code, IntelliJ, PyCharm, R Studio
  • SQL Server Management Studio, Spark, Hadoop User Interface
  • Git, Source Tree
  • Let's Get In Touch!

    You can contact me using the following sources: